Policy | Community Engagement Strategy for Reduced Plastic Pollution in Anamabra State of Nigeria
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The Future Africa Research Leadership Fellowship (FAR-LeaF) is an early career research fellowship program focused on developing transdisciplinary research and leadership skills.
Integrating climate change and sustainability education
GHANA | Digitization of Indigenous Weather Forecast Reduced Climate Risks of Farmers in the Pra River Basin of Ghana
Agricultural digital extension advisory services
South Africa | Breaking the Chains of Corruption: Whistleblowing as a Catalyst for Social Development in South Africa
Rwanda | Carbon stock recovery after selective logging in the East region of Cameroon
Beating river blindness: blackfly bites dramatically reduced after breeding sites are destroyed with machetes
Research | Fostering Sustainability and SDGs: The Experience of Uganda Management Institute in Promoting Sustainability and Implementation of SDGs in Uganda
Research | Shadow of Justice: Review on Women's Struggle Against Gender-based Violence in Ghana and South Africa
The dangers of misinformation and pseudoscience acted out
A kind heart will advance necessary research
Appointed to the editorial board of Children’s Geographies
Announcement | Two fellows selected to present at ASA 2024
Small-scale fisheries to address global malnutrition
Research | Education as the revolving door into the streets and back home among street-involved children in Harare, Zimbabwe
Policy | A Framework Integrating Digital Innovations and Climate Science for Inclusive Environmental Resilience Responses in Kenya
ASA | Enhancing Climate Resilience through Technology and Community Collaboration: A Drought Early Warning System for the Kilimanjaro Region
ASA | Local knowledge corroborates local extinctions and shifting baselines in Kenya’s exploited reef fishes
Kenya | Local Knowledge Corroborates Local Extinctions and Shifting Baselines in Kenya’s Exploited Reef Fishes
British Academy Mentorship Program: Writing religion and social transformation in Africa