Zimbabwe’s street children: how to get them home and back in school
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The Future Africa Research Leadership Fellowship (FAR-LeaF) is an early career research fellowship program focused on developing transdisciplinary research and leadership skills.
Policy | Enhancing Water and Sanitation Governance through Community Participation in the Savannah Region, Ghana
Theatre for Development
South Africa | Localising Just Transition in Africa
Financial Literacy Calendar
Policy | Faith and Food in Rural Malawi
Research | Thin layer drying and effect of temperature on the drying characteristics of bushbuck (Gongronema latifolium) leaves
NGO | Alliance for Progressive and Sustainable Environment
Data | First Afrocentric visual image dataset for red palm oil adulteration
Prototype | Development for Oil Palm Traceability
Pre-print | AfroPALM – Afrocentric Palm oil Adulteration Learning Models: an End-to-end Deep Learning Approach for Detection of Palm Oil Adulteration in West Africa
Ghana needs to stop households from using firewood: what must be done
Poster | Effect of heat on teaching and learning
Transformational leadership for sustainable productivity in higher education institutions of Cameroon
Booklet | The children tell us: "It is very hot in Ghana!"
Research | Long-Term Impacts of Selective Logging in a Tropical Rainforest in the East Region of Cameroon
Postgraduate diploma in climate change and sustainability management
Creating new networks for collaboration
Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Management Studies (CLICS)
Policy | Implications and Adaptation to Extreme Heat in Schools